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Silicone Auxiliaries-Silicone Masterbatch for Automobile

Silicone Auxiliaries-Silicone Masterbatch for Automobile

Silicone masterbatch for automobile is specially designed for automobile interior materials. It is a scratch-resistant additive mainly composed of ultra-high molecular weight modified silicone and matrix resin. It can effectively improve scratch resistance of automotive interior parts, improve melt fluidity and demoulding performance in processing, reduce torque, reduce equipment wear, easy to fill the mold, reduce product defect rate, so that the product has good stability, non-mobility, low odor and low VOC.

 Usage method:
  ● The processability, fluidity and demoulding of the products can be improved when the addition amount is 0.5%-2.0% 
  ● The surface smoothness, finish, scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of the product can be improved when the addition amount is 1.0%-3.0%.
  ● The wear can be reduced by 20%-50%, when the addition amount is2%-5% 

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