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Silicone Auxiliaries-Silicone Powder

Silicone Auxiliaries-Silicone Powder

Silicone powder is a general scratch-resistant additive developed by our company, which is mainly composed of ultra-high molecular weight modified silicone and does not contain organic carrier. It has less influence on the mechanical properties of materials. It can effectively improve the processing fluidity and demoulding performance of plastics, reduce the surface friction coefficient of products, improve the smoothness, surface finish, enhance the surface silk touch, improve the wear resistance and scratch resistance, good high temperature stability and non-migration, no precipitation, improve the flame retardant performance, reduce smoke density and improve the impact strength of flame retardant materials.

 Usage method:
  ● The processability, fluidity and demoulding of the products can be improved when the addition amount is 0.5%-2.0% 
  ● The surface smoothness, finish, scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of the product can be improved when the addition amount is 1.0%-3.0%.
  ● The wear can be reduced by 20%-50%, when the addition amount is2%-5% 

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